Google is constantly changing its algorithm and more focus has been put on local seo to drive customers. Local Google search ranking is placing more importance to local business and are serving highly local search results.


Local search is getting challenging for marketer as the competition for local place has been crowded. Pressure is on marketer to get the customers to local business and thrive their sales.

Below is a local SEO checklist made by to help business get more customers through Local SEO. We have summarise the checklist, please visit the blog LOCAL SEO CHECKLIST TO DOMINATE SEARCH

Ranking Factors to Top Local Search

Business Proximity: Distance between the searcher and the local business, how near the local business is? This is the most important factor for local search.

Customer Reviews: Having reviews on your Google Business Page is good for local SEO. Google uses this factor to determine whether your business should be position ahead of your competitors.

NAP Consistency: NAP consistency is maintaining a uniform information about your business at all the local listings sites including Google. Having a wrong or inconsistent address will impact your local SEO.

Domain Authority: Domain matters and it’s age too. The more old and authoritative domain is. More its ranking on local SEO.

Moz has created a new industry report for all marketers to understand the State of Local SEO in 2019. Gain insights about the biggest changes, challenges that business might have to face. Visit this blog on moz to download your report.

 Also read:  Top software job trends of 2018  

Sahil Shaikh

Digital Marketer

Digital Marketer & Analytics Dashboard Expert at WEQ Technologies. Working on Voice search and SEO, analysing future impact based upon voice search.